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The Garden Room Cafe

Join us on 1st Tuesday of the month, 10am-12pm in the Garden Room for great coffee, fresh cakes and biscuits and a warm welcome!



The Garden Room, All Saints Church, Beaconsfield Road, Wick, BN17 6LW (Click to open a map)
Enter through the gate on Beaconsfield Road behind All Saints Church and opposite Lyminster school.


For many years the Centre ran from a leased Portakabin outside Wick Hall. However, the cost of the Centre was unsustainable and so the move to the new home with revised hours is designed to make it sustainable for the long term. The Management Committee are continuing to work with Littlehampton Town Council to offer as much of the good work of the W.I.C. as possible, with the ongoing support of a number of volunteers.